




To attend school students must present a signed 免疫状态证明书(CIS). Our district requires that immunization information on the CIS comes from a 医疗 provider. Talk to your health care provider or school staff if you have questions about school immunization requirements.


  • 乙型肝炎
    • 3个剂量 
  • DTaP /破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗 (白喉、破伤风、百日咳)
    • 5剂量* 
  • Polio 
    • 4剂量* 
  • MMR (麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)
    • 2剂量 
  • 水痘 (水痘)
    • 2剂量 OR A health care provider verified the child had the disease 


  • 乙型肝炎 
    • 3个剂量
  • DTaP /破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗 (白喉、破伤风、百日咳)
    •  5剂DTaP *和1剂Tdap 
  • Polio 
    • 4剂量* 
  • MMR (麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)
    • 2剂量 
  • 水痘 (水痘)
    • 2剂量 OR A health care provider verified the child had the disease

* Vaccine Doses may be fewer than listed depending on your child’s situation.

There are important vaccines for children that are not required for school entry. 查找有关这些疫苗的信息. 

华盛顿 State 卫生署 Immunization Schedules


华盛顿 State Law allows exemptions to the immunization requirements for religious, 医疗, 或者个人原因. 这些都记录在 豁免证明书 (COE).

豁免证明书s (COE) to immunization requirements:

Beginning with applications received after 7/22/2011 exemptions require both parent/guardian and health-care provider’s signature except for certain religious exemptions.

Please bring a completed 豁免证明书 form to your child’s school. Note: Personal exemption is not allowed for MMR (麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹).

I received notice that my student is missing immunizations but I know they are up to date. 我该如何解决这个问题?  

If our records are incorrect, we need your help in getting them updated. Please send your student’s 医疗ly verified record from your health care provider to immunizations@nfmy6688.com 或传真至206-252-0751. You can also bring the record to your student’s school.   


  • 医生或诊所  
  • 国务院  
  • 移民办公室  
  • Other official record (even if it’s in a language other than 英语)  

What if my student has an upcoming vaccination appointment?   

Give your student’s school nurse the appointment date.   

What if I have a lab report from a doctor to prove my student is immune to certain diseases and doesn’t need a vaccine?  

Please share the lab report with your student’s school nurse or send the information to the Student 卫生服务 team at immunizations@nfmy6688.com 或传真至206-252-0751.

My student received notice saying they can’t attend school until their vaccination records are updated. 我可以上诉吗? 

Yes. 上诉, you must request a hearing from the SPS district office within 10 school business days of receiving this letter. If you do not request a hearing within this time frame, you give up your right to a hearing. A hearing will determine if your child has the required vaccinations, 是否正在接种疫苗, 或者有医疗, 个人, 或者宗教豁免. 


  • 华盛顿 State law requires that parents/guardians of students in grade 6th-12th be provided information about meningococcal disease and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the availability of a vaccine. 人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)信:
  • 脑膜炎球菌病 -这将带你到卫生署网站. Scroll down and look for “HPV and Meningococcal letter (combination)”.


To attend school students must present a signed 免疫状态证明书(CIS). Our district requires that immunization information on the CIS comes from a 医疗 provider. 西澳州免疫法 如果学生符合以下条件,说明学生是遵守规定的:

  • 完全免疫或
  • 正在进行免疫接种
  • 有没有填妥的豁免证明书

Medically verified immunization records are required for school and child care entry

请给2024欧洲杯竞猜提供一份 医学上验证 免疫状态证明书(CIS) Form. 

医疗证明表格 is:

  • Official lifetime immunization record with a provider stamp or signature.
  • 官方移民免疫记录.
  • Immunization record printed from a healthcare provider, clinic, or hospital.
  • Written immunization record with a provider stamp or signature.
  • Immunization record printed from the 华盛顿 Immunization Information System (WA IIS).

医学证明档案传单示例(PDF) | 西班牙语(PDF)

检查 卫生署 website for more information on immunization requirements.


  • 免疫接种证明书 (CIS) form is signed by parent/guardian.
  • Be sure the student’s name and birth date are legible!
  • If you have it, please write the student ID number in the upper left corner.
  • Send the 免疫接种证明书 (CIS) form to your child’s school or to Student 卫生服务:2024欧洲杯竞猜
    保健服务ms31 -650
    P.O. 34165箱
    电子邮件: immunizations@nfmy6688.com


How do I obtain a copy of my student’s immunization records?

  • 如果你是华盛顿州居民, you can download a copy of your child’s immunization record on the 西澳州免疫记录网站.
  • 你必须先注册一个帐户,然后再登录. Go to “My免疫接种” at the top of the page and then click the “免疫接种证明书” button to download the pre-filled CIS and save to your computer.
  • You can also call or email the 卫生署 office at WAIISRecords@doh.wa.gov or 1-866-397-0337.
  • MyIR信息卡(英文和西班牙文)
  • Are you looking for your student’s out-of-state immunization records? 请与您所在州的IIS联系

